Jennifer Vogt

Florence from afar / Oil on wood panel / 15 x 20 cm / 2024

Landscapes are a contradiction: immutable and forever mutable. Whether it be the changing seasons or a sense of living amongst ancient silhouettes or a foreboding glimpse into the future, the view across a landscape is both a passage across time and a fleeting, never to be repeated, moment.

The Sienese landscape, and the Val d’Orcia, in particular, seem to be one in which time has stood still despite, or perhaps because of, human’s relentless management over it. From depictions of good governance, to restrictions on modernization, to taming with agriculture, to the UNESCO heritage, and now to filming and tourism, we benefit from all that policy that has come before, yet, I wonder for how long?

Therefore, it is my purpose to attempt to capture, pictorially, all that this weighty “Terroir” holds. With paint and panel, I attempt to bind all the moments, its wilderness, our combined present, and the marks of centuries on this landscape,… together.

- Jennifer Vogt, Val d’Orcia, Tuscany, Italy